In this issue, we explore the upcoming
Saturn/Neptune opposition and look at what
happens when the planet of "reality" and the
planet of "unreality" meet. We're pleased to
announce the launching of
Astro-Backup, a free, downloadable utility
program that makes backing up your chart files
easier than ever. We also have some new and
enhanced tech features at our website including
the Astrolabe Forum, a place to
go and discuss your software tech issues.
Plus, we're offering a 15% discount on any
purchase over $75 through
July 31, 2006.
We welcome your feedback. Let us know what you'd
like to see in our monthly issues of AUGuries.
And, if you have an article or item to
contribute, please do send it along to
Restructuring the World by Madalyn Hillis-Dineen |
When I first wrote this article at the end of
2004 for the 2006 Llewellyn Starview Almanac (it
is reprinted here with their kind permission), I
had hoped that some of what I suggested might
happen would not happen. But, alas, here I sit
in June 2006 and fuel is currently over $3/gallon
and climbing and the country is abuzz with the
revelation that the NSA has been compiling a
massive database of all of our phone calls.
However, one of the more notable Saturn/Neptune
manifestations we're seeing in the U.S. that I
failed to mention is the outcry over illegal
immigration. There is an outcry about our
disintegrating (Neptune) borders (Saturn). Some
find this appalling, calling the influx of
illegal immigrants from Mexico an "invasion" and
a threat to not only national security but to
the very concept of what it means to nation.
Borders, language, culture is their cry! Others
believe that the dignity and well-being of those
in need should transcend the artificial borders
imposed by governments. Whatever your viewpoint
on this issue, it is certainly one of the hot
topics of
the moment. Here's my article - I hope you enjoy it!
Saturn, the planet of reality, and Neptune, the
planet of unreality, will form an opposition
aspect in 2006-7 when Saturn in Leo opposes
Neptune in Aquarius. The coming together by
conjunction and opposition of these two planets,
that seemingly have little or nothing in common,
mark times in history during which some very
interesting social and political movements have
Full story »
Astro-Backup is Here! |
Your Chart Files Simpler Than Ever
All of the files that you can customize in Solar
Fire, including your chart data files, are found
in the userdata subdirectory of your Solar Fire
program. There are a lot of different
circumstances which
can lead to the need to transfer your Solar Fire
charts or data from one computer to another. Or,
perhaps you just want to play it safe (always a
good idea) and have a backup of your client
files in case of a computer crash or other
With the new Astro-Backup program, you can
easily save or transfer your chart files or your
entire userdata subdirectory. You'll need
Windows XP if you want to burn your files to a
CD. If you don't have Windows XP, Astrobackup is
still useful for copying your files to a zip
drive or a memory stick.
Download your free copy of Astro-Backup today!
Download Astro-Backup Now »
Enhanced Tech Support From Astrolabe |
To serve you more efficiently, Astrolabe has
instituted a
variety of new tech support features at our
website. First, you can now consult our Knowledge
Base as well as our FAQs to see if your question
has already been answered. If not, you are
invited to use the Astrolabe Forum to submit your
question or to discuss our software. You are
also invited to use our new ticket system for
your tech support questions. To learn more about
our enhanced
tech support features on our website, please
click on the link below.
Visit Tech Support »
News from Astrolabe: Comings and Goings, Astrolabe On The Road |
Farewell Cindy, Welcome Marilyn
It's time to say goodbye once again to Cindy
Sullivan, Tech Support Genie. Cindy graciously
returned to Astrolabe this winter on a part-time
basis. But, now, she's giving up her Yankee
roots and moving to Asheville, NC or Ashe-Vegas
as she calls it. We wish her good luck and much
happiness in her new life.
We'd like to welcome Marilyn Harquail, who has
been working in our tech department for a few
months now. Marilyn's already been hard at work
implementing our new knowledge base and tech
ticket submission features. Marilyn has
extensive experience in the tech realm and is
an astrologer as well as an accomplished
photographer. She provided
the photograph for the Saturn/Neptune feature in
this issue.
7/6-7/9, 2006, AFA Convention, Louisville KY:
Please visit Margie Herskovitz at the Astrolabe
table in the trade show for a 20% discount on
your new purchases (10% on upgrades). Margie is
a long-time Astrolabe dealer who will be
representing at the conference.
9/14-9/17, 2006, Organization for Professional
Astrology (OPA) Retreat, Marco Island, FL: Gary
Christen at the OPA Retreat. The purpose of the
OPA Retreat is a to realize and revitalize your
career as a professional astrologer.
The OPA retreat now provides you with the rare
opportunity to experience the retreat work in an
intimate setting of a small group with one of
your favorite astrology mentors.
Gary Christen, Glenn Perry, and Dennis Harness
will be leading specialty track groups. If you
want to be a member of one of these special
groups, please mention that when you register
for the retreat. For more information, visit
Save 15% On Purchases Over $75 |
Save 15% off your purchase of $75 or more,
excluding shipping and handling. Use the
discount code "Solstice"between now and July 31,
2006 and take 15% off your order of $75 or more
of any combination of software, chart services,
and books. Read on for some great suggestions
from our wonderful line of calculation and
report software and chart services.
Solar Fire has been highly acclaimed by
reviewers and users alike since it was first
released in 1992. It does all sorts of charts --
natal, progressed, returns, harmonic, composite
and more. It includes many features -- like
delineations of transits as well as natal chart
factors, delineations of fixed stars, a
planetarium view of the chart, a wheel and dial
designer to customize your wheels, a page
designer as well as many pre-designed pages for
all sorts of astrological uses, an arabic parts
editor, a time map calendar feature, a full
variety of dynamic hit lists, midpoint sorts,
classical astrology information like almutens
and planetary hours and a multi-criteria planet
search. The latest version, Solar Fire 6, has
many wonderful new features. For more details,
see http://www.alabe.com/sf6p1.htm.
Using Nova Chartwheels for Windows ushers you
into a new world of astrological computing. With
its cutting edge design, technical excellence
and brilliant implementation of astrological
techniques, Nova Chartwheels is uniquely
positioned in the astrological software
marketplace. The high precision calculation
routines in Nova Chartwheels are based on Robert
Hand's venerable Nova and Chartwheels programs
for DOS. However, everything has been updated
and added to in the light of the graphic
possibilities available for the Windows
operating system. Nova Chartwheels provides a
highly interactive environment that allows you
to manipulate on the screen what you previously
did on paper. In short, Nova Chartwheels works
the way you do - and lets you investigate a
chart with ease and spontaneity. See http://www.alabe.com/novacw.html
for more details.
The Astrolabe Report
System is a wonderful series of report writers
for Windows 95 or higher which contains both
editable reports and signature reports.
Currently, there are seven offerings within the
system: Professional Natal Report, Personal
Numerology, Asteroid Goddesses, Optimum Child,
Professional Forecaster, Complete Relationship
Report and EroScope. To read more about our
report writers, see http://www.alabe.com/alaberpts.html.
When it comes to chart services, our reports are
among the best-selling anywhere. We've got a
variety of natal, relationship and forecasting
reports to choose from as well as the Astro
Intelligence line of reports featuring Liz
Greene and Robert Hand. For more details, visit http://alabe.com/chartservice/chtsvcindex.html.
our sale ends 7/31/06. Be sure to enter the
discount code "Solstice" in our online shopping
cart to receive 15% off any purchase totalling
$75 or more.
Start shopping now...