Here is an abbreviated issue of AUGuries to
announce a new patch for Solar Fire 6 and Gary
Christen's lecture stops in Atlanta and Florida.
We welcome your feedback. Let us know what you'd
like to see in our monthly issues of AUGuries.
And, if you have an article or item to
contribute, please do send it along to
Planets or Pla-Nots: Solar Fire Has You Covered! |
After the announcement of the reclassifcation of
Pluto by the IAU, the phone didn't stop ringing
with reporters wanting to know what this change
would mean to astrologers. Despite the fact that
those of us with planets in the last 6 degrees
of the mutables would love to eliminate Pluto
from our charts, we assured those inquiring
reporters that astrologers would still be using
Pluto in charts.
However, the authors of Solar Fire have created
a patch to make it easier to investigate 2003
UB313 (Xena) and other bodies being considered
for classifcation as "icy dwarfs." In fact, on
Friday, August 25, 2006 the front page of the
Wall St. Journal carried this headline:
Pluto's Demotion Divides Astrologers,
Troubles Scorpios
The Minor-Planet Faction
Takes the News in Stride;
Astrolabe Adjusts Charts
To read more about the IAU decision and what the
free update for Solar
Fire provides, click on Full Story.
Full story »
Gary Christen's Southern US Tour |
Armed with his notebook computer and the latest
and greatest Nova Chartwheels, Gary Christen is
hitting the road and making stops in Atlanta,
Orlando, St. Petersburg and Miami as well as the
OPA Retreat on Sanibel Island. The events begin
on September 8 and conclude a month later.
Gary will be offering lectures, workshops and
readings along the way. Using Nova Chartwheels,
Gary will illustrate many of the techniques of
symmetrical astrology (Uranian) and how they
work in natal, horary, mundane and
relationship charts. The lectures and
workshops vary in topic and prices and some are
even free! If you are an owner of Nova
Chartwheels or think you might like to purchase
it, there will be free Focus Group training
sessions on the software. All of Gary's slots
for readings in
Atlanta are already booked but there is still
time to
book a private consultation with Gary while he is in
See Gary's Itinerary »