“I found the Numerology Personality Profile to be so refreshing. It was a great guide to help me take a step back and look at the big picture, helping me to leverage my greatest strengths during these tough economic times.”
– Brad Murdock, Financial Analyst
“I was surprised at the depth of insight included in the Numerology Romantic Compatibility Profile and the key details that were dead on and specific to myself and husband. The report remains on my mind, and has proved to be a valuable tool for coupling and personal growth.”
– Joy Saunders, Technical Editor
“My Numerology One-Year Forecast for this year has helped me tremendously with the transitions I am going through right now. When I first read this report, I had such a sigh of relief! It has given me so much clarity. I have had numerology readings and astrological charts done but nothing has been so thorough as this. I refer back to it often and the month to month accuracy has been amazing!”
– Susan Maguire, Advanced Skin Care
“I wish the Numerology Life Snapshots was around when I was in my 30s. Back then I had doubts about myself. I was locked into a job I didn’t like and did not know how to get out of it. I had a child and a wife to support and was afraid to make a change. If I had known then what I know now from the Life Snapshots, I would have jumped and started my own business and done much better then I did.”
– Frank Sternola, President of Starnet
“My first thought was how could a report based on my name and birth date possibly be so accurate on so many levels? My Numerology Personality Profile has not left my desk since I received it and I refer to it constantly whenever I need insight or confirmation of my life experience.”
– David Bruck, Property Manager
“I have no idea how these reports are generated, but they are scary accurate! I just read page after page and kept saying...Wow...that is exactly who I am.”
– Ryan Jiminez, Software Programmer
“After knocking my head against the wall in multiple careers that didn’t fit for me, the Numerology Personality Profile helped make it clear that I was heading in the wrong direction.”
– Morgan Daugherty, Banking Associate
“The Romantic Compatibility Report sure gave us a few laughs. There are all those little things that we always bicker about—now it is easy to see why!”
– Andrew Dimmock, Seattle, WA
“The Numerology Romantic Compatibility has helped me to be more patient and accepting of my partner, and to understand how and why we interact the way we do.”
– David Bruck, Property Manager
“The Numerology Romantic Compatibility report was spot on. I only wish I had it ten years ago before my first marriage!”
– Patrick Martin, Contractor
“The forecast reinforced that this was the right time to take measures to increase my health and vitality. I have been feeling less energetic than usual this year, and the forecast not only explained how I was feeling, but more importantly—WHY.”
– Melinda Mills, Certified Public Accountant
“The forecast said that from May 4 through December 31 that I should look forward to using my creative self-expression. I have an opportunity to help a doctor start a business and relish this prospect, and have already done some writing for her.”
– Judy Mills, Licensed Massage Therapist
“The Numerology One-Year Forecast has helped me relax and accept some of the tough times I have recently experienced.”
– David Bruck, Property Manager
“Thank you for the profiles, they were all great! The Life Snapshots had a few parts that seemed to conflict—but that describes me well! That also explains why I can never make any decisions! I seem to redefine myself every few years and it was nice to be able to see a “bigger picture” life path behind all of my crazy adventures.”
– Jade Burris
“I found the Life Snapshots profile to be right on target. It talked about my excellent leadership ability and my strong organizational skills. It also talked about how it was important for me to express my strong independence, which I really needed to be reminded of.”
– Mardi Allen, Life Coach, Author & Speaker
“The statement in the Numerology Life Snapshots about having "a limited belief in myself" pushed my buttons. Upon reflection and talking with my spouse, he reminded me that I do verbally express that I feel inadequate about areas out of my expertise. It reminded me that I am an intelligent woman and can expand my interest base of knowledge.”
– Judy Mills, Licensed Massage Therapist
Plus, for your reading enjoyment you’ll get the free edition of “Prelude”, an intelligent and riveting Metaphysical Mystery that shatters the myth of death that has consistently gotten 5 Star reviews on Amazon.com and NetGalley.com. A must read for anyone who wants to understand the meaning of life! You’ll also receive the Divine Soul Song mp3, “Love, Peace and Harmony,” that can elevate the vibrations of your environment.